4 Moons

Four interwoven and complex stories of love and acceptance (of self and others): a boy who has secretly been attracted to his male cousin through life; two college students starting a secret relationship; a committed couple severely tested by the arrival of another man; and an old married man dazzled by a young married male who hustles to get back to his own family.




Production Information

  • Known As
    • 4 Moons
    • Four Moons
    • Cuatro Lunas
  • Country
    • Mexico
  • Category
    • Movie
  • Duration
    • 1 hr. 50 min.
  • Director
    • Sergio Tovar Velarde
  • Screenwriters
    • Anibal Astorga
    • Sergio Tovar Velarde
  • Executive Producer
    • Edgar Barrón
  • Original Release Date
    • 25 March 2014
  • Main Characters
    • Antonio Velázquez Hugo
    • Alejandro de la Madrid Andrés
    • Cesar Ramos Fito
    • Gustavo Egelhaaf Leo
  • Supporting Characters
    • Alonso Echánove Joaquin Cobo
    • Alejandro Belmonte Gilberto
    • Gabriel Santoyo Mauricio
    • Sebastián Rivera Oliver
    • Mónica Dionne Aurora
    • Marta Aura Petra
    • Jorge Luis Moreno Enrique
    • Hugo Catalán Sebastián
    • Astrid Hadad Alfonsina
    • Karina Gidi Laura
    • Juan Manuel Bernal Héctor
    • Marisol Centeno Mariana
    • Martha Claudia Moreno Luisa 



The Show

The Movie


Tags: Drama, Romance